Halloween Party

 We had a fun, food-filled party on
Halloween night.  We decided to go all out this year, and we did.  My mom came
into town, which was so fun!  She dressed up as a nun, pretty funny considering
I went to a Catholic school and wasn’t the most perfect child.(Laugh).  I
dressed up as a slutty housewife (NJ housewife), and Dave was a hippie.  We had
so many great costumes.  Everything turned out perfectly.
Sorry about the overload with pics, too many good ones to choose from.

This and That

The weather is finally cooling off out here, and we are preparing for our first
Halloween party.  My mom is coming out to stay with us and join in the
festivities, and we are so excited!  This time of year has always been my
favorite.  Don’t get me wrong, because I am ever so grateful that we live where
we do, but I do miss those brisk mornings and seeing the leaves on the trees
turn colors.  It finally has dropped from the 80’s down to 60 and 70’s.  We have
been baking, and cooking again.  It was too hot to use any appliances before.

We did our weekly Trader Joe’s shopping and I wanted to share with you the
most amazingly delicious find…

Honey sesame cashews

They are so delicious…and not too bad for you.
